EPROM Microcontroller Chip w/ V2 Version Firmware for GTOCP3 Control Box, Extraction Tool (CHIPKITV2)

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Call to order, must provide serial number of GTOCP3

If you already own the GTOCP3 control box, you may wish to consider upgrading the ROM chip to take advantage of the newest features and bug fixes which can impact your mount's performance.

Here is list of the Revisions to the ROM chip. (PDF document)


All mounts with Absolute or Precision Encoders (only applies to 1100, 1600 and 3600 mounts with these encoders installed). 
The V2 chip is a free upgrade for these mounts since it provides improved autoguider performance. The chip upgrade kit (part # CHIPKITV2) includes the "V2" version chip, extraction tool and installation instructions. We will also provide the most recent chip for the GTOAE and GTOELS Control boxes, at no charge, if needed. Please refer to the Upgrade procedures and information to obtain the most recent ROM chip.  

All mounts with GTOCP3 control boxes that do not have encoders
The kit includes the "V2" version chip, extraction tool and installation instructions. Please refer to the Upgrade procedures and information to obtain the most recent ROM chip.